Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sexuality and Marriage

I grew up  in  country where it is normal to learn about sexuality at a very young age. School was a good source to learn about it; but it was acceptable to watch television shows with your family that contained sexual topics. Weird right? The point is, that I have never been ashamed to talk about sex; until I got baptized a member of the Church. It is interesting how adopting this new culture, made me more aware of this topic and the appropriate settings in which it could be discussed.
I am more careful and more respectful of this topic now; or at least I try to be. I definitely don't treat it as tabboo; but I have realuzed that I cannot treat it as lightly because the truth is; IT IS SACRED!
Learning about the Plan of Salvation raised my vision of the sacredness of sexuality in this mortality. It is something that cannot be treated lightly (as media and entertainment have been doing it); but I ask you to not be afraid or ashamed of the topic. Most Latter-Day Saints do not talk about this topic because it has been a "big NO NO" growing up. Truth is that it will become a part of your life after you are married and learning about it in a straightforward and inspired way will allow you to be knowledgeable and have a happy marriage ;)

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